Episode #1. August 17, 2019 DOWNLOAD

David J. Fielding is best known as the original voice (and face!) of Zordon from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Since then he's had a career touring the computer game industry, indie film, and as an author. We talk about all of that, his upcoming film, a tennis ball, and chat about a movie David had nothing to do with - Blade Runner 2049.

David's website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

David's Amazon.com author profile


Stuff mentioned in the show:

> The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers comic from Boom Studios and the live panel performance at Power Morphicon 2018 (watch for the ovation David gets!).

> Strange Happenings an independant web series from Jason Brasier and Brittney Greer in which David participated and had role.

> The Order, David's upcoming film. Watch trailer trailer (and explore the YouTube channel for some fun production updates) and find the prequel comic.

> At the time we hit the streams, David is off at Silicon Valley Comic Con and will be appearing Bubba Fest's Southern-Fried Comic Con kicking off August 23.